of 2022, I was raided by a joint NYPD/ATF task force, for the crime of quietly and privately exercising my Second Amendment rights in my home.

The State of New York, in contravention of the United States Constitution and the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling, has asserted that New York residents have no such rights—and as such, they’ve charged me with multiple counts of “felony weapons possession”.

The charges against me add up to 18 years in prison. The State offered me a plea deal (8 years instead of 18), which I rejected out of hand. I am a law-abiding citizen of this Republic; I have NO criminal record; the Bill of Rights applies in all fifty states; and I refuse to relinquish my God-given rights in return for mere privileges.

Below are links to writeups and interviews about this (ongoing) case.

  • RedState Magazine (writeup by Jeff Charles). [LINK]

Kyle Seraphin (no interview)

Alison Morrow

Kyle Seraphin: Brooklyn After Dark (interview)

Viva Frei Live